Tuesday, September 8, 2015

Jeremy's Mid-Unit 1 Post (The Best One)

On this blog we will be diving into rhetorical analysis and then apply what we know to a blog to see how it works. Rhetorical analysis is when one looks at each individual part of a work to see how they interact and contribute to the work. Rhetorical analysis focus on many intellectual standards like Clarity, accuracy, precision, etc. These intellectual standards build quality work and help the author rise to a higher level of writing and entertainment. As I read Kotaku, I hope to learn how the authors of Kotaku use these standards to keep that audience wanting more. For my Unit 1 post, I will do a rhetorical analysis of the blog, Kotaku.

Kotaku interacts with a very specific audience and keeps them involved through constant posts and consistent news that interests them. Next week, I explain how Kotaku provides a clear message to its audience while still keeping it fresh with original content. Kotaku uses many intellectual standards to keep the audience entertained while providing post that actually have depth and thought. I will use my knowledge from school to help me dive into kotaku and find what intellectual standards they use to their benefit. By using intellectual standards well, Kotaku has become a notable blog for all things gaming and next week we will figure out how.

Link to Kotaku’s blog: http://kotaku.com/

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