Tuesday, September 8, 2015

Jordan's Mid Unit 1 Post

For my Unit 1 project, I will provide a detailed explanation of why the author wrote this blog. In doing so, I will use evidence from specific posts to support my claim and highlight the author’s use of different rhetorical elements. A rhetorical analysis is a way to analyze text in terms of the relationship between the author, text, and audience. It can be applied to blogs, speeches, essays, poems, etc.

In my post, I hope to both discover and offer a deeper understanding of the blog and the authors connection with the audience. I have a some background information on TH!NK’s Intellectual Standards for Critical and Creative Thinking. Breadth is defined as recognizing more than one side of question. In other words, understanding the depth of a situation. Depth, another intellectual standard, is the complexities or seriousness of the matter at hand.

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