Friday, September 25, 2015

STEM Education

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"An Education." Nature Publishing Group, 15 July 2015. Web. 25 Sept. 2015. <>.

This article’s main focus is to convince the readers that our current way of teaching is outdated and can hurt children. The authors conducted a study with researchers to learn if alternate methods would be as effective at teaching concepts and the results support their opinion. They claim that children can internalize more information through alternate means of educaiton and that our current system needs to be modified. The most effective forms of teaching should be taught to the children so that the general public can rise to a higher educaiton level.

THE FUTURE OF STEM EDUCATION: MathWorks and the maker movement. (2014). Electronic Design, 62(11) Retrieved from

The author claims that teaching STEM through alternate ways can help immerse the student in a learning environment. The author interviews Paul Kassebaum, who manages MathWorks to see if alternate education routes can work. Through the website, they concluded that teach math through visuals helped students grasp the concepts easier than the traditional way. By investing into alternate ways to learn more students may receive a higher level of education that can affect the world.

Swallow, E. (2012). Rep. mike honda introduces bill to boost STEM education. National Defense, 96(700), 38. Retrieved from
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The author claims that we need to “champion STEM education for each American student,” and by doing so our nation will be great again. The author quotes Obama claiming that STEM research will make our nation great again. This account is about a bill being passed to fund more STEM research and encourage students to study more. By investing in more STEM education, the nation will lead the world into a future where STEM can thrive.

The author claims that if America is to stay as an economic super power it needs to start STEM studies in Elementary School. They go on to sources studies from Georgetown saying that more jobs are needed in the STEM fields. They claim that since more jobs will be need in those fields we need to develop a better way to teach the people to fill those jobs. STEM jobs are becoming necessary and need to be taught to the young children.

Lenovo funds STEM education for girls. (2012). Tech & Learning, 32(9), 10. Retrieved from

Lenovo claims that funding STEM research it will give them information on effective ways of teaching children. They are collecting data and providing scholarships to students to help them learn what method of teaching is effective. By doing this Lenovo is encouraging the students to try harder and also to focus on learning STEM concepts. STEM research will directly impact the future of tech companies so they are investing in their education.

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